The Grenfell Tower Memorial Commission will ensure that the bereaved families, survivors and North Kensington residents lead decision-making on the long-term future of the Grenfell Tower site

Grenfell Tower Memorial design team selection process launched
The Grenfell Tower Memorial Commission releases film to mark the seventh anniversary of the tragedy
Remembering Grenfell: Recommendations and next steps to a memorial
Dates for your diary - how to meet and talk to us
Our in-person drop-ins are where you can meet and talk to your community representatives, ask questions and share your memorial ideas, and find out about the ideas we have heard so far.
Message from the community representatives
We are grateful to the community for selecting us to represent them on the Grenfell Tower Memorial Commission.
At our first meeting in September 2019, we all agreed on the importance of being completely transparent and inclusive. As part of this commitment, we have asked that the minutes of all meetings go up on the website, and you can read them in the link below.
We recognise the importance and responsibility of the community representative role and we will listen to and work closely with you to ensure your voice and views are heard at every step of this process.
The Grenfell Tower Memorial Commission
The Grenfell Tower Memorial Commission, made up of representatives of the bereaved, survivors and local residents, will decide on the most fitting and appropriate way to remember those who lost their lives in the Grenfell tragedy.
The families of those who lost their lives, their homes, and others who were directly affected, have been consulted on the principles underpinning the process towards agreeing a fitting memorial.