Since August 2020, we have been having conversations with bereaved families and former residents of Grenfell Tower and Grenfell Walk, as well as Lancaster West Estate residents and the local community, to gather ideas about what they want from a future memorial.
As a first step, these ideas were brought together to create a visual 'word cloud'. The word cloud helped us create an early vision statement that you can read by clicking the first arrow below.
We also published our first report in May, setting out the ideas we've heard so far, and both in English and other languages.
Click on the arrows below to learn more about where we are with the ideas gathered up to this point, how you can share your thoughts with us (including in our online questionnaire), and our next steps.
Views that were shared before 16 July 2023 will be included in the final report by the Grenfell Tower Memorial Commission, which we expect to publish in autumn 2023.
We continue to welcome views from the community which can be used to shape design options for the future memorial. If you would like to share your views, you can contact us directly.