Drop-in events taking place for North Kensington residents Grenfell Tower Memorial Commission drop-in events are taking place for North Kensington residents on Monday 10th and Wednesday 12th February. May 2019 update Government Factsheet on the Grenfell Tower Site and Memorial Commission: future of Grenfell Tower Site and decision-making on the long-term future of the Site. Gift from 9/11 Memorial and Museum On 12th September 2018, the National September 11 Memorial and Museum, in New York, presented the Grenfell community with a seedling grown from the Callery pear tree that stood on the original World Trade Centre Plaza. Government announcement to establish Memorial Commission A community-led Memorial Commission is to be set up so that community members can decide on the long-term future of the Grenfell Tower site. Principles Governing Consultations on the Future of the Grenfell Tower Site These Principles set out the leading role that the bereaved families, survivors and the immediate North Kensington community will play in decisions about the long-term future of the Grenfell Tower site. Ministerial Letter: Future of the Grenfell Tower Site A joint letter from the MHCLG Secretary of State and the Minister for Grenfell Victims, which sets out the Government’s commitment to ensuring that the bereaved, survivors and local community will be at the heart of decision making. Pagination First page First Previous page Previous … Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 Current page 7